Ya he podido ver la película Blinded by the light (Cegado por la luz) y en este capítulo os cuento cosas… ¡Sin spoilers!
Eso sí, os cito para un nuevo capítulo con vuestros mensajes e impresiones… para comentar la peli entre todos.

De momento os cuento información previa para disfrutarla como nunca.

Es una película divertida, buenrollista, sobre las dificultades, el encajar, el superar la adversidad, la identidad… ¡pero con la música de Bruce de fondo, en su momento justo y al volumen adecuado!
Y terminamos escuchando I’ll Stand By You, la canción original que ha compuesto Bruce para la película Blinded By the Light. Estreno en España: el 20 de septiembre de 2019.
I’ll Stand By You (Bruce Springsteen)
[Verse 1]
You wake me in the night
With tears falling down
Come let me dry them for you
I wish I could tell a story
Chase away all those ghosts
You got inside of you
A story of heroes who fight on at any cost
Of a kingdom of love
To be won or lost
We’ll fight here together
‘til victory is won
Come take my hand ‘til morning comes
Just close your eyes
I’ll stand by you always, always, always
I’ll stand by you always, always, always
[Verse 2]
I know that here in the dark
Tomorrow can seem so very far away
Here the ghosts and the goblins
Can rise from your dreams
To steal your heart away
Together we’ll chase those thieves
That won’t leave you alone
Out from under the bed
Out from over our home
And when the light comes we’ll laugh, my love
At the things that the night
Had us so frightened of
And until then
I’ll stand by you always, always, always
I’ll stand by you always, always, always
Now I know it can feel like you’re slipping away
At night you’ll get lost in that deep dark place
We’ll let the night come and do what it may
Together we’ll find the courage, we’ll find faith
Until you awake
I’ll stand by you always, always, always
I’ll stand by you always, always, always
I’ll stand by you always
I’ll stand by you always
I’ll stand by you always, always, always
I’ll stand by you always, always, always
I’ll stand by you always, always, always
I’ll stand by you always, always, always